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Showing posts from November, 2014

What is a hooding ceremony?

I have always been intrigued by this event called 'the hooding ceremony' since I began my student life in UiTM about 3 years ago. This term always come to my attention and 'pops out' during the UiTM convocation ceremony. Yesterday I saw a post on the hooding ceremony (again) when my other half was browsing through IPSis UiTM's FB page. IPSis wrote that 52 PhD graduates had successfully completed their studies in UiTM and will receive their scroll in the 81st convocation ceremony. Picture take from IPSis UiTM's Facebook page Another picture take from IPSis UiTM's Facebook page Now, what is a hooding ceremony? It is simply a ceremony held for students graduating with a masterā€™s or PhD degree. The placing of the hood signifies the passage from student to 'master's' or ā€˜PhD'. The hooding ceremony and recognition of studentsā€™ accomplishments draw attention to the scholarly and the personal achievements of the candidates for g...

Presenting at 2014 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS) in Nagoya University, Japan

Assalamualaikum and hello there! Presenting at conferences is part and parcel of being a postgraduate student. In my case, all the conferences I have attended so far were held locally in Malaysia. I was sort of 'saving the best for last' actually. I had planned to present my papers at international conferences during my final year. Also, during the first two years of my study I was busy collecting and analyzing data. When I received the CFP for the MHS2014 conference in April 2014, I was immediately hooked. Perhaps because Nagoya University is place where my supervisor, Dr Hanafiah Yussof had studied for his PhD and post-doc. So Nagoya University, here I come! Alhamdulillah, two papers from my research team in HuRoBs, UiTM were accepted for the conference and will automatically be published as online proceedings on IEEEExplore. Mohd Azfar Miskam, Syamimi Shamsuddin, Mohd Ridzuan Abdul Samat, Hanafiah Yussof, Husna Ahmad Ainudin and Abdul Rahman Omar. ...

Call for Participants: Humanoid Robot NAO Advanced Training Course 15-16 Dec. 2014

Dear researchers and owners of the humanoid robot NAO, Don't miss the chance to participate in the  Humanoid Robot NAO Advanced Training Course Vol. 2 2014. This training is open to all  interested robotic enthusiasts, academicians, researchers, engineers and students. This event is organized by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Malaysia Chapter in collaboration with Aldebaran Robotics and the Center of Humanoid Robots and Bio-Sensing (HuRoBs). The training course will be held in conjunction with IEEE-ROMA2014 conference at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur. Participants without the NAO robot are also welcome.  For NAO owners, there will be a free service to upgrade your existing NAO Version 4 to the latest Version 5. Details:-  Humanoid Robot NAO Advanced Training Course Vol. 2 2014 Date: 15-16 December 2014 Venue: Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur Accommodation: Available with Full Registration Trainer: Aldebaran Robotics Paris/Shanghai Category: Beginner, In...

Call for Participation: the 2015 Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Pioneers Workshop

Assalamualaikum and hi! Dear PhD researchers who are studying in the area of human-robot interaction,  Here's an event not to be missed! Received the Call for Participation through email from Temi Olugbade and immediately thought about sharing this information on my blog :) HRI Pioneers 2015 Workshop Date : 2 March 2015 Location : Portland, Oregon, USA Workshop URL and Program : hri15 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------- WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The tenth annual Human-Robot Interaction Pioneers Workshop will be held in Portland , Oregon on Monday 2 March 2015 in conjunction with the 2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. The aims of the workshop are to foster creativity and collaboration surrounding key challenges in human-robot interaction, and to empower student researchers early in their careers. We invite students pursuing a PhD * to consider a...