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Showing posts from 2013

IEEE Spectrum Robotics News: Google Acquires Seven Robot Companies

Hi peeps. Found this really interesting news article from IEEE Spectrum Robotics News and The New York Times. Apparently, Andy Rubin who is an engineer in the Google office (who had also built the Android software) is spearheading Google's move to have a bigger role in the world's robotics scene. A total of seven robotics and AI companies in Japan and United States has been acquired so far. Among the companies are Schaft, a small team of Japanese roboticists who recently left Tokyo University to develop a humanoid robot, and Industrial Perception, a start-up here that has developed computer vision systems and robot arms for loading and unloading trucks. Also acquired were Meka and Redwood Robotics, makers of humanoid robots and robot arms in San Francisco, and Bot & Dolly, a maker of robotic camera systems that were recently used to create special effects in the movie ā€œGravity.ā€ A related firm, Autofuss, which focuses on advertising and design, and Holomni, a ...

The 3rd Autism Rehabilitation Robotics Workshop and MRRI Conference on 2-4 December 2013 organized by HuRoBs, UiTM Shah Alam and IEEE-RAS Malaysia Chapter

Alhamdulillah, all praises be for you Allah swt as our team at the Center for Humanoid Robots and Bio-sensing (HuRoBs), UiTM had successfully organized the 3rd Autism Rehabilitation Workshop on 2nd Dec 2013 at Dewan Sri Budiman, UiTM Shah Alam. This workshop was held in conjunction with the 2013 Int Symposium  Medical & Rehabilitation Robotics & Instrumentation (MRRI2013) conference (2nd-4th Dec 2013). Both events were organized in collaboration with IEEE RAS Malaysia Chapter. CFP for MRRI2013 Our official poster for the workshop Final program for the workshop This unique gathering of  participants from various academic institutions and background was convened to bring together researchers, academicians, doctors, students, engineers and parents to participate, share and discuss the latest findings and developments in the field of rehabilitation robotics; especially related to the of autistic children. It is hoped that all the inputs gathered during t...

The 2014 Human-Robot Interaction Pioneers Workshop in Bielefeld, Germany, on March 3, 2014

HRI Pioneers Workshop 2014 The 2014 Pioneers Workshop, which will be held in conjunction with the Ninth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, is the premiere venue for student research in the field. This highly selective workshop is a cohort of the worldā€™s top student researchers that seeks to foster creativity, communication, and collaboration across the incredibly diverse field of human-robot interaction. The workshop application site is now open for submissions. The deadline for submitting applications is 1:00 pm CET on Saturday, December 14, 2013. Bear in mind, the acceptance rate for last yearā€™s workshop was roughly 30-percent and those selected will typically be granted financial support to attend. Further details, including templates, are now available on the workshop website at . 

The International Seminar on Autism 2014 organized by PERMATA on 22-23 April 2014

Year 2014 is just around the corner. Let's mark our calendar for 'The International Seminar on Autism 2014' which is jointly organized by the  PERMATA Division of Prime Ministerā€™s Department,  Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. With the t heme:   ā€œAUTISM IS NOT A TRAGEDY, IGNORANCE ISā€, the main   o bjective is to e nhance awareness on Autism Spectrum Disorder in Malaysia. More info is available at Permata patron Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (picture credit to NST)

The Beautiful Colors of NASOM (The National Autism Society of Malaysia)

Our collaboration with NASOM actually began way back in June 2011 with our first Autism Rehabilitation Workshop in UiTM.  Puan Rose of NASOM presenting at our 2011 Autism Workshop in UiTM Shah Alam Then, alhamdulillah NASOM officially become our research partner in January 2012 with the consent of their GM. Interesting facts about NASOM (most info are taken from ) : The National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM) is a non-profit, non-governmental welfare organisation formed in 1986 by a group of parents and professionals Registered on 3rd March 1987 as a national voluntary charitable organisation and aims at providing education, help, care and protection for people with autism and their family members Currently, NASOM has established 14 Early Intervention Programmes and 3 Vocational Programmes for people inflicted with autism in Malaysia NASOM set to provide education, help, care and protection for people with autism and their family m...

Pusat Permata Autisme Negara

Pusat Permata Kurnia programme (Permata Autisme) is a new program introduced by Permata. The new programme is a comprehensive early intervention programme for children with autism.  A Permata Kurnia centre worth RM28million is being built on a 2.6-acre land in Jalan Sentul, Kuala Lumpur. It is expected to be ready by February 2015, said Permata patron Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, who is also the Prime Minister's wife. 

The Summer School on Social Human-robot Interaction (HRI), 26-30 August 2013

It was definitely the experience of a lifetime. The event was excellently organized. Thank you for the opportunity given for me to participate. Will do a detailed update later in this blogpost. Till then feast your eyes with some of the pictures taken during the school. During the one-hour train ride from London to Cambridge Registration on 25th August 2013 Welcoming drink reception.  At 7.45 am on Day 1. Still jet-lag I guess.. Day 1: Hands on atelier with Aldebaran Robotics. First time I got to meet a blue-NAO! With Lucia Pais, postgraduate student from EPFL, Lausanne. We had breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Christ's College Upper Dining Hall everyday. Hands-on atelier: Hacking the Keepon robot. Prof Kim Bard  ( Professor of Comparative Developmental Psychology, University of Portsmouth) was the first one to drop by at my poster presentation area Meet Photchara Ratsamee, doctoral candidate from Osaka University ...