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Showing posts from 2024


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone Time seems to slip away when you're knee-deep in excitement. It's not that the clock ticks faster, but you're so engrossed that hours feel like minutes. Can you believe it? It feels like just yesterday that the semester kicked off with so much promise. We've hit Week 16β€”the final stretch for undergraduate students at USM this semester. For those in the EMC 311 Mechatronics course, this week was all about the ultimate showdown: the evaluation of their mobile robot projects, which make up a cool 10% of their total grade. Picture this: robots zipping around, tackling tasks, detecting obstacles, and following lines like tiny mechanical superheroes. The project isn't just about grades; it's a chance for students to flex their mechanical, programming, and problem-solving muscles in a hands-on, team-driven environment. Since day one, these future tech wizards have been split into 40 groups, working week by week to piece together their ro...

πŸ’Ÿ Come and Join Us at the 8th AMDI-UNAIR International Postgraduate Research & Innovation Colloquium (AUPC2024)


πŸ’¬ Sesi Perkongsian Dalam Talian: Proses Pemantauan FRGS dan Integriti Penyelidikan anjuran RCMO, USM

Assalamualaikum wbth Alhamdulillah, saya telah selesai memberikan ceramah (lebih tepat lagi, berkongsi pengalaman) bersama penyelidik-penyelidik dari Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) yang menjadi Ketua Penyelidik (Principal Investigator, PI) bagi geran Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) dari tahun 2020 hingga 2022. Dengan kehadiran seramai 280 orang, saya harap perkongsian ini memberi manfaat kepada semua yang hadir. Saya berkongsi pandangan dan strategi tentang elemen-elemen penting dalam laporan pemantauan FRGS yang perlu dihantar oleh PI setiap enam bulan melalui sistem myGRANTS. Saya berharap sesi ini bukan sahaja memberi inspirasi tetapi juga memberi panduan praktikal kepada para penyelidik untuk terus berusaha mencapai kecemerlangan dalam projek masing-masing dan melaporkannya dalam sistem bagi tujuan pemantauan berkesan oleh pihak RCMO dan juga KPT. Terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir dan terlibat dalam menjayakan sesi ini. Semoga usaha kita semua diberkati dan membawa man...

Join Our Team: Postgraduate Opportunity in Robotic-Assisted Gait Training Research

Are you passionate about making a difference in rehabilitation therapy? We're seeking a dedicated postgraduate student to join our research team and delve into the cutting-edge field of Robotic-Assisted Gait Training (RAGT) for stroke patients. About the Project: Our research focuses on investigating the efficacy of Robotic-Assisted Gait Training (RAGT) compared to conventional physical therapy in enhancing functional mobility among stroke patients. This groundbreaking study will occur at a leading rehabilitation clinic in Malaysia, where advanced robotic technologies are being integrated to revolutionize patient care. Interested? Drop me an email at