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Showing posts from February, 2017

Save the Date: 8th March 2017 for FKP ROBOTICS OPEN DAY 2017 organized by FKP UTeM, Cytron, IEEE RAS Malaysia and Robopreneur Sdn Bhd

The official website: FKP Robotics Open Day Assalamualaikum  Dear blog readers, I am so excited to promote this latest project by our Department of Robotics and Automation in FKP. I have been nurturing this idea for so long and finally it has come to life! Thanks to the wholesome support from Dr. Nur Aidawaty Rafan, En Mahasan Mat Ali and our HoD; Dr Mohd Hisham Nordin. The whole event will be run by postgraduate and undergraduate students in FKP. The aim of this program is t o give exposure to FKP and UTeM students on information/projects/researches related to robotics and the existing products by postgraduate students in the Department of Robotics and Automation in FKP through the robotics exhibition. There will also be school children coming from robotic clubs in Melaka area to visit the exhibition. The theme for FKP Robotics Open Day 2017 program ā€œ Robotics is FUN !ā€. Our intention is to give robotics experience and exposure to all FKP students (Year ...

IEEE WIE AGM, IEEE Malaysia Section AGM and IEEE RAS Malaysia AGM 2017 on 13 and 14 January 2017 at Grand Bluewave Hotel, Shah Alam

Assalamualaikum IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Malaysia held its AGM for 2017 on 13 January 2017 at Al-Rawsha in Shah Alam. After the Chair (year 2016) reported the activities for 2016, dissolution of the 2016 executive officers took place and the 2017 executive officers were elected. Dr Nasreen Chair Badruddin from UTP is now the Chair for IEEE WIE Malaysia 2017. Luncheon meeting with the WIE ladies :) The next day, the  annual general meeting for the members of   IEEE   Malaysia   Section and itā€™s Chapters (including RAS) was held at the  Grand Bluewave Hotel, Shah Alam. A door gift was given to the first 200 members who were eligible to vote and sign up for the meeting via registration online by 1 st  January 2017 (I got it! an IEEE embossed flask). The program for the day: 0830  Registration and Coffee 0900 Chapter AGM  1000 Coffee *Last call - door gift collection 1030 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION AG...

#throwback2016 Innovative Research and Industrial Dialogue 2016 (IRIDā€™16) on 20 December 2016 at FKP UTeM

Assalamualaikum Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC) of the Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering (FKP), UTeM had organized an inaugural research day: Innovative Research and Industrial Dialogue 2016 (IRIDā€™16) on 20 December 2016. IRID aims to offer post-graduate students as well researchers and engineers from industry, especially in the field of engineering and technology, a unique platform to present their research findings, establish a mutual knowledge transfer and networking. Three significant events took place during IRIDā€™16: Industrial Forum Research Showcase (Poster Presentation Competition) UTeM-Materials Lecture Competition For the research showcase (poster presentation competition), a total of 101 Research Posters were presented, judged by 15 juries from the industry, 15 academic juries to identify 10 Best Poster Awards. Pn Ruzy Haryati Hambali, me and PARO robot, Winal Zikril (Master student) with Mr Adrian Lim and Ms Roselyn (both from PERKESO Rehab Cen...

#throwback2016 Jury for Pameran Bengkel 2 - BITI (Robot) at FTMK UTeM

hi everyone On 14 Dec 2016, I was honored to be appointed as jury for Pameran Bengkel 2-BITI (Robot) at FTMK UTeM.  The exhibition was organized by the faculty for the students to practice their skills and showcase their projects through presentations and demo. All projects will be evaluated by invited juries to determine which team to receive the the best project demonstration and best poster awards. The teams used LEGO Mindstorm as the controller and Tetrix parts to build the robots. I was impressed by the students' effort and ideas! The task was to create robots for sports/games applications. This ranges from basketball to Monopoly and Chess. Here are some of the photos from the exhibition that I found in my camera :) Triathlon robot Monopoly Robot. Awesome! The robot will be your partner :) A robot that plays golf! This robot can be your partner to play chess! Most awesome robot: the Bowling Robot. This robot took part in the 20...

#throwback2016 9th UTeM ROBORACE CHALLENGE 2016

Hi everyone! On 23 November 2016, FTMK UTeM had organized the 9th UTeM ROBORACE Challenge 2016. FKP had sent 2 teams to take part and support the event. Though only ended with 8th place, the students had a thrilling time programming the robots and preparing for the 'Robowar: Revenge of the Bot" competition. Need to buckle up and do better next time. Enjoy the pictures and congrats to the winning team from FTK! Promo poster Promo banner at FTMK Briefing on the competition rules by the organizer Partial view of the gamefield Preparation before the battle Organizer interviewing the participants Spectators FKP Team at 8th place Nana, my sister and I Picture with FKP Team and the HoD of Robotics and Automation FKP Certificate from FTMK Dean, Prof Dr Burairah Hussin Winner is the team from FTK UTeM!

#throwback2016 FKP Mechatronics Robot Competition 2/2016 on 15 Dec 2016

Assalamualaikum. For year 2016, our team had actually organized two sessions for the FKP Mechatronics Robot Competition. Alhamdulillah.  My post on the first one is here . For the second time around, the task given to the students was to find a problem within a manufacturing company and propose a solution using a robotic system. This could be a pick-and-place robot, a SCARA robot or an automated guided vehicle (AGV) robot. Throughout the semester, the students (in groups of 4-5) shall present their updates with regards to the design of the robot, the proposed solution, the electronics circuitry and functionality of their robot. This video summarizes the students' journey to complete their robots Finally, all groups need to design a poster and present their robotic project to three judges during the competition day on 15 Dec 2016. Enjoy the pictures! Event poster Group picture with BMFA 3113 Mechatronics lecturers (myself and en Mahasan...

#throwback2016 FKP Day and Final Year Project Poster Exhibition on 15-16 Dec 2016

hello everyone I have been keeping these pictures for too long! FKP Day and Final Year Project Poster Exhibition are organized by the Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering (FKP) UTeM every year. FKP Day this time included loads of fun activities ranging from karaoke to car wash services! Our students really enjoyed themselves in organizing and celebrating all the events. FYP Poster Exhibition is a platform for the final year students to showcase the first part of their project (FYP is carried out for 2 semesters). Here are some of the photos that I managed to capture :) Event Poster With FYP students under my supervision for 2016/2017 This is Mei Ji. I love her poster and presentation too. Postgraduate students set up stalls to join in the fun