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ROMA2014 Conference, 15-16 Dec 2014, Hotel Istana KL: Ending 2014 with Aplomb for IEEE RAS Malaysia


Dear readers,

While writing this post we are already well into the second week of 2015. Hope 2014 had given valuable lessons to you, as it had to me.
Dear Past,
 Thank you for your lessons.
Dear Future,
 I am ready.
To end 2014 in style, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Malaysia Chapter had orgnized the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA2014) at Istana Hotel, KUala Lumpur from 15-16 December 2014. ROMA2014 is the first edition of the Robotics and Manufacturing Automation symposia which combines Robotics and Automation as its main elements. Insya Allah, papers in ROMA2014 proceedings will be archived in IEEE Xplore. 

As my supervisor: Dr Hanafiah Yussof  is the Chair of IEEE RAS Malaysia and also General Chair of ROMA2014, naturally the whole team of at HuRoBs lab, UiTM were involved in organizing the conference.

Now let the pictures do the talking :)

NAO V5 Evolution

Doa recital for ROMA2014 (by Mr Ilmi Ariffin) to ask for blessings from Allah swt

Emcee for ROMA2014

Dr Hanafiah Yussof delivering the opening speech for ROMA2014

Prof Ishkandar Bahrain welcoming Prof Masahiro Ohka from Nagoya University, Japan to deliver his keynote speech

Keynote by Prof Masahiro Ohka 

Mr Azfar Miskam presenting in the first technical session

The participants

Dr Irraivan Elamvazuthi (Universiti Teknologi Petronas) and Dr Muhammad Fahmi Miskon (Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka) chairing one of the technical sessions

One of the participants; Mr Nico Hempe presenting his paper

Another participants; Mr Thomas Caloway presenting his paper

Conference dinner on the evening of the first day

Dr Norshuhani from Universiti Teknologi Petronas with her students

Group picture (with our tummies full)!

Second day of the conference

Dr Rugayah Hashim (UiTM Shah Alam) presenting her paper

Participants during the second day

Dr Hanafiah has got something to say..

Emceeing the award and closing ceremony

Certificate of appreciation for Prof Ohka as ROMA2014's keynote speaker

Nico Hempe of Aachen University won the best paper award for his paper titled: 'Combining Realistic Virtual Environments with Real-Time Sensor Simulations for Close-to-Reality Testing and Development in eRobotics Applications'

Rino Ferdian Surakusumah from UTM won the best paper award for his paper titled: 'Development of a Half Sphere Bending Soft Actuator for Flexible Bronchoscope Movement'

Dr Hanafiah delivering the closing speech

Alhamdulillah, another academic event successfully organized by the IEEE RAS Malaysia and HuRoBs team.

See you in the next post, insya Allah :)


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