Assalamualaikum On 30th January 2016, the 26th Annual General Meeting of IEEE Malaysia Section, and its Chapters was held in Pullman Hotel, Bangsar. Here is line-up of the day's program and agenda: 0830 Registration and Coffee 0900 Chapter AGM (ComSoc/VTS, PES, SP, GRSS, CPMT, CSS, AP/MTT/EMC, RAS, SMC) 1000 Coffee 1030 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION AGM 1230 Lunch 1400 Chapter AGM (CE, EMBS, IE/IA, WIE) 1530 Coffee The IEEE Section AGM Agenda: 1. To accept the minutes of the 25th Annual General Meeting 2. To receive Chairman's Report for 2015 Session 3. To receive Treasurer's Report and Accounts for 2015 Session 4. Revision of IEEE Malaysia Constitution 5. Dissolution of Committee for 2015 Session 6. Election of Committee for 2016 Session and to appoint 2 auditors 7. Any other business As a member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Malaysia, I had attended the Chapter's AGM at 9:00 am. Dr Rosdiazli Ibrahi...