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Showing posts from May, 2014

Have You Thought About: Publishing Your Thesis as a Book?

Assalamualaikum and hi :) Do you know that "My PhD” in Dutch is "Mijn Doctoraat"? Just so you know. Anyway, this will be just a short post. My mind has been entertaining the idea of publishing my thesis, insya Allah once I've finished writing it. I came across this notion for the first time many years ago when I met a senior colleague who just got back from his PhD study in TU Leuven. He said that his thesis was published as book, complete with ISBN number.  You and I know that in most universities (especially Malaysia), thesis are published as hardcover manuscripts which are then archived in the library, accumulating dust over the years and not accessible to be referred or cited by academia. What a huge waste! Then recently I met another young lady who had just completed her PhD at TU Delft. Also, same story. She had printed over 100 copies of her thesis-book. Amazing. So this is my dream. Publishing my own thesis as a book.  Also, ther...

Special Lecture: The Process for Measurement, Assessments & Evaluations of PEO (21 May 2014, Faculty of Electrical Eng, UiTM)

IEEE WIE Affinity Group collaboration with UiTM Shah Alam had successfully organized a Special Lecture: The process for Measurement, Assessments and Evaluations of Programme Educational Objectives by Prof. Dr. Muhammad H. Rashid from the University of West Florida.  The details are as follows; Lecture Title: THE PROCESS FOR MEASUREMENT, ASSESSMENTS AND EVALUATIONS OF PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Date: 21st May 2014 Time: 8.30 am – 12.00 noon Venue: Al-Hidayah Seminar Room, Level 9, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UiTM, Shah Alam Speaker: Prof. Dr. Muhammad H. Rashid, University of West Florida Lecture Synopsis: The Malaysian Engineering Accreditation Council requires that the programme objectives must describe the expected achievements of graduates in their career and professional life a few years after graduation and these must be consistent with the mission and vision of the institution. There must also be a process of on-going assessment and...

Upcoming Event: IEEE International Symposium on Robotics, Manufacturing and Automation (ROMA2014), 15-16 DECEMBER 2014, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.

Assalamualaikum and hi :) ROMA2014 The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Malaysia Chapter, Malaysia is proud to organize the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotics, Manufacturing and Automation (ROMA2014).  This event is intended to provide technical forum and discussion related to Robotics, Automation and Manufacturing. The symposium is aimed to bring together researchers, academicians, scientists, students, engineers and practitioners to participate and present their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications related to the various aspects of Robotics, Automation and Manufacturing. ROMA2014 will feature interactive Technical Sessions, Special Sessions, Invited Sessions, Competition and Exhibition. The Invited Session includes keynote addresses by eminent scientists as well as presentation by delegates from industries.  Papers in ROMA2014 proceedings will be archived in IEEE Xplore . Extended version of selected best papers will...

Newspaper Article: "Robots for Autism Rehabilitation" on New Straits Times, 19th May 2014

Alhamdulillah. Our project to help children with autism in Malaysia was featured on a 2-page spread in today's newspaper. The online version of the article can be viewed here:

What is a humanoid?

Robots are fascinating machines that are imagined to coexist with humans when one envisages the future. In most parts of the world, robotics technology has become an important part of everyday lives. Robots that used to exist as factory automatons and as research ‘articles’ in solitary labs in universities are now gaining places in our lives in a multitude of roles. The expanding role of robots coincides with the sole purpose of improving the lives of mankind. Humanoids; possess even greater interest as their anthropomorphic body structure are akin to actual human and they are regarded as the future of robotics. Excerpt from IEEE Spectrum By definition: A humanoid robot is a robot with its overall appearance based on that of the human body. In general humanoid robots have a torso with a head, two arms and two legs, although some forms of humanoid robots may model only part of the body, for example, from the waist up.   Some humanoid robots may also have a 'face', ...

NASOM Walk for Autism 2014

The exciting and fun-filled month of April, the Autism Awareness month ended in style with a huge event organized by the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM). The main sponsor was Danajamin. Other sponsors were Nando's, GlaxoSmithKline, 100Plus, Gardenia bread, Milo and Oatkrunch. It's the NASOM Walk for Autism 2014! Cute Puzzle Pieces :) The venue was Citta Mall,  Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya . This was the second time that my family and I participated in this event. Let's see some of the interesting scenes captured during this Walk :) The registration desk where all participants are given the race kit (they are actually goodies from all the sponsors). The blue tshirts were collected before the event at NASOM HQ Office. I love this picture of us with Umar Hasfizal and his mother, Puan Marina NASOM Maestro making their final preparations before going on stage Dance performance by NASOM students Performance by the NASOM Maestro ...

2013-2014 INTERNATIONAL ROBOT PRIDE COMPETITION Shah Alam Malaysia 21-22 June 2014

To all robotic fans and creative robot designers out there, something exciting is happening in Shah Alam this June. The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society's (RAS) Malaysia Chapter The COE Humanoid Robots and Bio-Sensing (HuRoBs) UiTM and IEEE-RAS Malaysia Chapter is proud  to organize the 2nd International Robot PRIDE Competition . This competition provides a platform to explore innovative ideas and design within the scope of Robotics, Sensors, Automation, Computation and  Intelligent Systems. The competition focuses on fundamental principles and applications using engineering  and information technology towards potential exploration into commercialization. Indeed PRIDE is a  platform where inventor meets investor. PRIDE stands for: P (Performance), R (Reliability), D (Design), I  (Innovation) and E (Exploratory). REGISTRATION FEE School Category RM500 / USD200 University Category RM800 / USD300 Industry/Open Category RM1000 / USD350 Robot ...